
Takana yli 21 vuotta myyntiä konsulttitoimistossa

Heinäkuussa 2002 kävelin ensimmäistä kertaa sisään Konsulttitoimisto Seppo Hoffrénille. Edessä haastattelu myyntikoordinaattorin tehtävään. En oikein tiennyt mitä se tarkoittaa, mutta olin hakenut ja nyt menin kuuntelemaan tarkemmin. Tapasin Sepon itsensä ja jutustelimme tehtävästä.
Published at 18.01.2024

Resurgence of business life in Spain

I would like to reflect on how business life is resurging from the Covid-19 pandemic. My reflection focuses on trade exhibitions. In 2021, “live” trade fairs in Spain received 3.79 million visitors, 200% more than in the previous 2020 Covid-19 pandemic year.
Published at 29.08.2022 | Isabel Wilkins

Russia. An Ever-Expanding Market

As the coronavirus is losing its strength, the Russian economy is rising. Not only has the Russian economy declined by 3.1 % -- less than the world average -- it is also recovering faster than expected. Globally, the country is following worldwide trends to reduce carbon footprints and working to speed the adoption of electric vehicles. Domestically, the government is trying to solve specifically Russian problems. Among them: curbing raw timber exportation in order to boost the timber processing industry, which has been a significant challenge for many decades.
Published at 31.05.2021

Lockdown: A Catalyst for Entrepreneurship

Times are tough and this is no mere British under-statement. As we are all too acutely aware of, there have been real lows across all spheres of life (business, social, political, economic) as a result of lockdown measures. However, allow me to shed some light on the business highs.
Published at 22.02.2021 | Isabel Wilkins

Digital shopping as an added reality

This is the first winter we decided not coming back to the city apartment from our village cottage 60 km from the capital. Forthcoming holiday lockdown starting right after the Orthodox Christmas on the 7th of January played a big role in this decision – no concerts and performances to attend, no strolling on Xmas markets, no visits to favourite restaurants – what’s the reason of moving to the city with six pets?
Published at 04.01.2021 | Oksana Dugert

The German healthcare market in transition

The German health system is facing enormous challenges. In addition to demographic and societal trends as well as changes in the spectrum of diseases that severely threaten the guarantee of the financing of the health care system.
Published at 25.11.2019

Market area of business opportunities in Russia: Krasnodar region

When it comes to Russia, Moscow and St-Petersburg seems to be places, which rank first on the priority list. Yet Russia is much bigger. It boasts many other areas which can be similarly attractive and promising for doing business. One of such areas is Krasnodar region.
Published at 04.11.2019

Germany’s 30th anniversary of the fall of the Wall: how does the joint culture and economic look like?

The wages actually paid in the East, even 28 years after the end of the state separation, are only 82 percent of the West's level.
Published at 30.09.2019

Ukraine and other CEE countries as global software R&D paradise

Ukraine knows how to astonish the world: recent presidential election brought as the winner young comedian with no party affiliation neither political experience and whose presidential campaign was entirely virtual
Published at 29.04.2019 | Oksana Dugert

Investment opportunities for Finish SME´s in Sweden

There are always areas that are lucrative for investments and expansion. As long as you are aware of the current social-economic situation in the market of your interest.
Published at 18.12.2018

Russia: opportunity worth trying

Manufacturers of cheese are not satisfied with the quality and availability of the main ingredient - fresh milk.
Published at 29.10.2018

Business flavour in Italy and Spain – a personalised view

There is a tendency to categorize people of specific geographical origin into cultural groups – for example Scandinavians/Nordics as one, Mediterranean countries as another.
Published at 25.06.2018 | Isabel Wilkins

Intercultural competence as powerful recourse for growth

In Germany, punctuality is expected, but in Spain, for example, one quarter of an hour late is still on time.
Published at 28.05.2018

Manufacturing of electronical and electrical equipment in Estonia

The sector of manufacturing electronic and electrical equipment is one of the fastest growing industries in Estonia.
Published at 26.03.2018

How to build a relationship of trust

It is common knowledge that stable trusting relationships with partners are of crucial importance in conducting business. How can you find a company or a person with whom you can set up and develop business in another country?
Published at 28.02.2018

Looking into Russia

This year, 2017, is a significant one for both Finland and Russia: Finland celebrates 100 years of independence, and Russia - of the October revolution. It is not much of celebration in Russia though, but an important historical date.
Published at 27.11.2017

Looking for Business in the Baltics

The Baltic States, i.e. Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, are doing pretty well economically. According to Eurostat, GDP growth in Q1/2017 was 4% in Estonia, 4% in Latvia and 4.1% in Lithuania compared to the same period in 2016.
Published at 26.06.2017

Some positive signals in Russia

2015 Russia produced, for the first time, more cereal crops than the United States. Russian farmers still struggle with the production of vegetables and milk.
Published at 06.06.2017

Business Oppurtunities in Kazakhstan

There are several large infrastructure projects that inject optimism into the forecast.
Published at 28.04.2017

Moscow roads

The municipal authorities in Moscow have an ambitious plan to make the city tourist-friendly and to improve the quality of life for ordinary Muscovites.
Published at 28.02.2017

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